HTTP2 分享记录
HTTP History
- Concept Hypertext (1963)
- HTTP 0.9 (before 1995)
- Only get, no header, 1 page
- HTTP 1.0 (1996)
- Header, response code, redirect, post. Etc, 60 pages
- HTTP 1.1 (1999)
- Options, upgrade, cache header extends
- SPDY (2009 google)
- HTTP2 (2012, 2015/5/14 published)
HTTP2 related
- Server (google)
- Proxy (akamai)
- Client (google firefox)
HTTP2 Features
- One Connection
- use one connection for parallelism (ares oversea)
- Header Compression
- uses header compression to reduce overhead
- Server Push
- allows servers to “push” responses proactively into client caches
HTTP2 Requirement
- Stage 1 (NPN)
- Web server supported H2 (nginx 1.9.5+)
- TLS certificate (Let' s Encrypt)
- Chrome 41, Firefox 36, Edge 12, Safari 9, Opera 28
- Stage 2 (ALPN)
- OpenSSL 1.0.2g
- Chrome 51
Site: HTTP1.1 vs HTTP2
sample demo parse
Questions about connection
- How many connections browser can open, and why?
- How many connections system can maintain?
- What’s the ideal delay between Shanghai and New York?
Windows connections
- TCP connection allow: TcpNumConnections = 16M
- Max dynamic ports: MaxUserPort = 5000 (1024 to 5000)
- TCP control block: MaxFreeTcbs = 1000 (srv = 2000)
- 0.5k for pagepool and 0.5k for non-pagepool
- TCB HashTable: MaxHashTableSize = 512 (Default = 512, Range = 64-65536)
- Pagepool
- allocated a 1000 TCBs == 1000 connection, close connection occupy port 4min: TcpTimedWaitDelay = 240 sec
- Without closing the connection properly: KeepAliveTime = 2 h
result: < 1000
Http1 problems
- Head of line blocking
- Inefficient of TCP usage rate
- Slow start
- Congestion window
- Etc...
Http1.1 Optimization
- Sprite Image
- Domain sharding
- Disable cookie
- File concat
Then use http2
Http1.1 Optimization in H2
- Sprite Image
- It depends, heigh cost, bg image load when visible
- Domain sharding
- wrong
- Disable cookie
- wrong
- File concat
- It depends, unnecessary almost
Client Support detect
- Upgrade header
- NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation)
- ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation)
- HTTP Alternative services
Upgrade header
GET ws:// HTTP/1.1
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: xxx
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: xxxxx
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host:
Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings
Upgrade: h2c
HTTP2-Settings: <base64url encoding of HTTP/2 SETTINGS payload>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 243
Content-Type: text/html
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 243
Content-Type: text/html
but, just exist in RFC actually
TLS connection ‘Client Hello’
Client double confirm
Connection preface
PRI * HTTP/ 2. 0\ r\ n\ r\ nSM\ r\ n\ r\ n
- SETTINGS client
- SETTINGS ack server
HTTP2 basics
- TCP socket
- Steam
- Frame
- Steam
HTTP2 Steam
- Steam is H2 independent, two-way frame change
- A new request will rise a new steam
- Steam id
H2 Frame
- HTTP based on ‘Text splite’
- HTTP2 based on Frame (key of one connection for parallelism)
Frame Type
DATA | 0x0 | Steam data |
HEADERS | 0x1 | http header |
PRIORTY | 0x2 | Priority of steam |
RST_STEAM | 0x3 | Stop steam (error) |
SETTINGS | 0x4 | Set connection param |
PUSH_PROMISE | 0x5 | Server push tips |
PING | 0x6 | Test connection and rtt |
GOAWAY | 0x7 | Steam end |
WINDOW_UPDATE | 0x8 | Flow control |
CONTINUATION | 0x9 | Extends HEADERS frame |
Header Compression
- deflate & CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy)
- Gzip is unsafe
- Header infos are similar
- Index specific header and value
HPACK sample
Header1: All work and no play
Header2: makes Steven
Header3: a dull boy
Client generate this index and send to server, server will also create one
Index | Header name | Value |
55 | Header1 | All work and no play |
56 | Header2 | makes Steven |
57 | Header3 | a dull boy |
Next item send: 55 56 57
Every connection maintain it’s index status.
Server Push
- Reasonable push decrease 20% - 50% render time
- Push will waste bandwidth (resource cached already)
- Best Timing:
- Server busy
- Client idle
- Frame Type “PUSH_RPOMISE”
- Client can reject use “RST_STEAM”
FTTB in H2
H2 Extra work:
- Window size adjust
- Dependency tree
- Index header
- Header compression
- Priority change
- Server pre push
H2 <= H1
H2 > H1
HTTP2 debug
- chrome://net-internals/ (early version)
- Chrome debug tool -> network tab
- Session key logging (env SSLKEYLOGFILE=~/key.log) wireshark
- Firefox command mode record HTTP session log
- TCP is not fast portocal but it is reliable
- But we need more fast net
core problen is:
- TCP/IP is integrated in system core
- TCP is in core space
- UDP is in user space
- Quick UDP Internet Connection
- Based on UDP which in user space
- Provide equivalent HTTP2 new features