通过Google Chart API生成QR code

QR code ,Quick Response code,是一种流行的2维条形码,能够存储多达4296个字母数字字符的任意文本,对于汉字,做多存储1817个,相对于177x177这么小一块区域来说容量已经相当高,更重要的是读取速度——准确而高效,因而在各个领域都有非常广泛的应该。导致现在手机读取条码软件也是相当流行。

Google Chart API 里就有专门的 QR code 生成调用 ,能非常方便的获取自己想要的 QR code。配图的内容为 swordair.com,长宽为150px,由google生成,看起来还挺不错挺蛋疼的。 如果只是随便玩一下,网络上也有在线的QR code 生成工具,使用起来更加便捷。




 * generate QR Code images using Google Chart API
 * developed by iifksp@swordair.com
 * http://www.swordair.com
 * api docs: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/image/docs/gallery/qr_codes.html
var QRcode = function (config) {
	this.cfg = {
		container_id : '',
		/* The data to encode,  2K maximum length */
		data : '',
		/* Image size, QRcode is a square */
		size : 150,
		/* Error Correction Level
		L - [Default] Allows recovery of up to 7% data loss
		M - Allows recovery of up to 15% data loss
		Q - Allows recovery of up to 25% data loss
		H - Allows recovery of up to 30% data loss */
		ec_level : 'L',
		/* The width of the white border around the data portion of the chart.
		This is in rows, not in pixels. */
		margin : 4,
		/* How to encode the data in the chart */
		encode : 'UTF-8'


	this.api_url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart';
	this.param = {
		cht : 'qr',
		chs : this.cfg.size + 'x' + this.cfg.size,
		chl : encodeURIComponent(this.cfg.data),
		choe : this.cfg.encode,
		chld : this.cfg.ec_level + '|' + this.cfg.margin

	this.qrcode_img_src = '';

QRcode.prototype = {

	init : function (config) {
		for(var opt in config){
			this.cfg[opt] = config[opt];

	generateQRcode : function () {
		if(this.cfg.data == ''){
			this.qrcode_img_src = this.api_url + '?' + this.joinParam();

	display : function (id) {
		var container_id = id ? id : this.cfg.container_id;
		if(container_id == '' ||
			var container = document.getElementById(container_id);
			var img = document.createElement('img');
			img.src = this.qrcode_img_src;

	joinParam : function(){
		var quary = [];
		for(var opt in this.param){
			quary.push(opt + '=' + this.param[opt]);
		return quary.join('&');


var qrcode = new QRcode({
	size : 150,
	data : 'swordair.com',
	container_id : 'container'