


    File: error.hbs
    - The {{@blog}} helper should be replaced with {{@site}}
    - Replace {{error.code}} with {{error.statusCode}}

    File: partials/footer.hbs
    - The {{@blog}} helper should be replaced with {{@site}}

    File: partials/header.hbs
    - The {{@blog}} helper should be replaced with {{@site}}

    File: styles
    - The .kg-bookmark-card CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-container CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-content CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-title CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-description CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-metadata CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-icon CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-author CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-publisher CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme
    - The .kg-bookmark-thumbnail CSS class is required to appear styled in your theme

    File: error.hbs
    - Replace {{#each}} with {{#foreach}}

    File: partials/footer.hbs
    - Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper
    - Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper


